About us


About us


Camping Västkust is an association of campsite and cottage operators in Halland, Gothenburg and Bohuslän that works to develop the camping industry in our region. Within our trade association SCR Svensk Camping, we are one of 15 regional associations that together cover the whole country.

As our guest, we want to offer you a rich and varied range of accommodation and activities, and we want to help you find the facilities that meet your wishes and expectations. We hope that this page will make it easier for you to find the right establishment and that we can inspire you for your stay.

The booking is made on the resort’s own website and if you have any questions about your stay or your booking, please contact the resort directly.

Here you can read about how we handle personal data and cookies.

Board of Directors

Ordf. Annika Johansson

Ramsvik Stugby & Camping

Peter Angergård

Åsa Camping & Havsbad, Åsa

Anna Gordh

Destination Apelviken, Varberg

Mette Kempe

Daftö Resort, Strömstad

Lovisa Berg

Hansagård Camping & Resort, Falkenberg

Martin Grytfors

Hafsten Resort, Uddevalla

Pelle Olausson

Lagunen, Strömstad

Jenny Claesson

Liseberg, Göteborg

Rebecca Nilsson

Haverdals Camping, Haverdal

Camping Key Europe

The majority of Camping Västkust’s sites apply Camping Key Europe. Lower ferry fares, cheaper experiences and faster service are just some of the benefits for Camping Key Europe holders.

Tourist information

Tourist information Gothenburg

Gothenburg Tourist Center
Tel: +46 (0) 31 368 42 00
E-mail: turistinfo@goteborg.com

Tourist Information Halland

Halmstad tourist information
Tel: +46 (0) 35 12 02 00
E-mail: info@tourist.halmstad.se

Laholm tourist information
Tel: +46 (0) 430 154 50
Email: turist@laholm.se

Hylte tourist information
Tel: +46 (0) 345 180 94
Email: tourist@hylte.se

Falkenberg tourist information
Tel: +46 (0) 346 88 61 00
Email: turinfo@falkenberg.se

Varberg tourist information
Tel: +46 (0) 340 868 00
Email: turist@varberg.se

Kungsbacka tourist information
Tel: +46 (0) 300 83 45 95
Email: tourist@kungsbacka.se

Tourist information Bohuslän